Why do I need sponsors?
Although I have been signed by an Indie label, there are a lot of costs involved. Travel. Studio time. Musicians fees. Recording and production of videos. I was fortunate enough to find pretty much everything under one roof. I have a great mentor with Curt Ryle who is also writing songs with me. Plus I want to learn guitar and keyboard so there will be lesson costs. I've probably left out a lot of things, it's all new at this next level. Will you please consider giving what you can to help my dreams go farther? Every little bit helps.
Sponsorships Available
If you would like to sponsor me,
contact Jeannie Franz
Phone: (623) 229-2413
Email: jefranz@centurylink.net
Or email David C . Lannan, LFE Creative

Hanging out at the studio with Jaydn Rylee and Brayden Ryle
What do I get as a sponsor?
We are currently developing sponsorship opportunities and are also proposing a package that benefits all CCS artists. This will be the ultimate package with maximum exposure if we can hammer out all the details. With a growing roster of talent, more opportunities may open up. Some artists are already touring and playing in venues supporting indie artists.
At the very minimum, depending on your sponsorship level your name will be listed on the sponsorship page. This is ideal for fans, family and friends who want to help but don't have have corporate marketing bucks to spend.
We are still working on packages and commitment levels. Packages may include company logo with link on the sponsorship page, logo on print marketing material, logo on promotional videos (reels) on social media, logo on a promotional banner (this would require early commitment so we could have time to get everyone on the banner at the beginning of a performance schedule). There may even be media exposure at the highest level of commitment.
If you are interested in learning more once we have everything lined out, contact David C. Lannan at LFE Creative to be added to the email list.