David C. Lannan, a freelance writer from Indianapolis and founder of LFE Creative, recently sat down for an interview with teen recording artist Ariel Franz of Peoria, Arizona. He was at his computer in Indy and they communicated electronically.

DL: When did you first start singing?
AF: I started singing at 4 years old in pre school.
DL: Did you have singing lessons?
AF: I had vocal lessons from my pre school teacher, who was a vocal coach.
DL: When did you begin singing in public?
AF: I was 5 years old at my first performance at beauty pageant.
DL: Were you nervous at first or does it seem natural to you?
AF: I was very nervous the first time in front of so many people.
DL: Have you written any of your own songs? If so, what are they?
AF: I am working on writing my own songs currently with Curt’s help.
DL: Are there any other singers or musicians in your family?
AF: My Mom use to sing when she was a child.
DL: Who are some of the biggest musical influences in your life?
AF: Curt Ryle is a very big part of my musical influence. Lauren Spencer is my favorite artist currently.
DL: I see you were signed by Clarksville Creative Sound. How did they find you?
AF: We met Curt Ryle at the Josie Music Awards when I was nominated for that. I was singing at Nashville Zoo.
DL: What is your favorite style or genre of music and why?
AF: I love Country pop music as I can express myself through my music and it’s magical to see how music seems to bring out the best in everyone. I love to feel the music and tell a story when I sing.
DL: What is something you want your fans to know about you?
AF: I am very competitive when it comes to singing.
DL: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
AF: I have one younger brother in AZ & 2 younger sisters in New York.
DL: What do your friends or classmates think about your singing ambitions?
AF: My classmates love my singing and my principal and teachers are very supportive of my singing.
DL: In what ways do your parents help you with your musical dreams?
AF: My parents are extremely supportive of me singing, acting, modeling. We travel to different states to compete in various competitions National American Miss & IPop. They are behind me 100 percent,always there for me. My parents do everything with me we make time for it all!
DL: Do you perform at any fairs, festivals or other events?
AF: I sing all over by requests in the Valley since I was 5 years old.
DL: What awards have you won?
AF: I have won many years of singing at International Presentation of Performers (iPOP) in California & Vegas. I have won trophies for acting and modeling as well as lead voice over for Justice Angel.
DL: Do you play any instruments?
AF: I will be taking piano & guitar lessons this summer.
DL: If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
AF: I would love to meet Lauren Spencer as she inspires me with her music.
DL: Are you working on an album with original music?
AF: We just finished recording an album in Clarksville recently to be released in the near future this summer.
DL: What is your favorite part of working with Curt Ryle and CCS?
AF: My favorite part of working with Curt Ryle is his knowledge of singing and recording as he does this himself. He strives to bring out the best in me and he’s very patient and smart. I admire him for all of his work, he is a role model. We work very well together.
DL: What other activities do you enjoy?
AF: I enjoy playing volleyball & competing against other teams. I love to spend time playing Volleyball I want to get a scholarship for college in Volleyball hopefully. I was president of the Lions Club for my age group the past 2 years and I like helping others & helping feed and pack food for the less fortunate.
DL: I think I read somewhere you may have been in modeling competitions. Was singing, dancing or acting part of it?
AF: I want to be a Singer and an Actor and be in movies. I’ve been taking acting for 2 years. I love to model and do runway walks in beautiful clothes for IPop and various events.
DL: Do you feel like the modeling competitions helped you get confidence to perform in public?
AF: My confidence is due to my exposure with IPop that has helped me tremendously with my self confidence and the love & support of everyone there for the past 8 years.
DL: Is there anyone else you want to recognize as having helped you o ver the years?
AF: I won the singing competition and beauty competition for IPop for several years now and Ron Patterson believed in me when I was 5, the first time. He is still very supportive of me. He is like family. I have also trained with actors at IPop and been in their shows for many years now.
DL: What is a unique opportunity you have had when it comes to performing?
AF: My parents have many friends who are Filipino that I do many performances for and I sing Tagalog (Filipino).
DL: What advice do you have for young people thinking about a music, modeling or acting career?
AF: You can do anything if you want it bad enough and are willing to work for it.
DL: What are some of your favorite originals and what do they mean to you?
AF: Somebody because it’s inspiring to build people up. I Will Remember You because it is dedicated to legends.
DL: It seems like some of your songs have messages in them. How do you want your fans or listeners to connect with your songs?
AF: I want them to connect with the story by being able to relate & feel the song.
DL: What are some of the fairs or festivals you have performed at in Arizona or other states?
AF: IPop every year, National American Miss, Dragon Festival & Philippine New Years Celebration.
DL: How many hours a day do you practice? Are you still taking lessons?
AF: I practice about 2 hours a day & I’m currently not taking lessons.
DL: What is your favorite color?
AF: Green
DL: Favorite food? Do you help cook?
AF: Snake bites from Texas Roadhouse, No I don’t help cook.
DL: Do you like reading? If so, what are some of your favorite books and authors?
AF: I don’t like reading
DL: When you aren’t singing or practicing, who are some artists you enjoy listening to?
AF: I love to listen to Livingston, Artemas, Benson Boone, & Morgan Wallen.
DL: I saw somewhere you are a commercial artist. What do you like to draw? Do you ever share your art with others or is it mostly personal?
AF: I like to draw sketches of people from a You Tube tutorial & I share with my family.
DL: If you couldn’t be a singer, model or actress what career would you choose?
AF: I would be a teacher because it seems exciting to teach others.
LFE Creative is a small agency focusing on promotion, graphic design, writing and photography. Because of technology, most work is done remotely so we work with people across the country. Logo design, web graphics and content are the primary focus. We also design print advertisements, business cards, flyers and postcards. David is a former photojournalist and award winning newspaper page designer.